Calling Names:Trump denigrates his enemies

So now Donald Trump is calling people who oppose Trumpian Statism  “vermin” – and the
L.A. Times compares this to the rhetoric of the Nazis.

True enough, but we don’t have to go that far geographically, or that far back in time.
In the 1960s and after, Fidel Castro would call people who opposed Cuban Communism “Gusanos”
which means “worm” in Spanish.

Seems like The Don uses “vermin” in the same metaphorical way Castro used “Gusanos.”

Given Trump’s reverence for Vladimir Putin, and his professed “love” for Kim Jong-un, it
seems he is more like Castro than like Hitler.

Of course, Castro’s favorite book in college was “Mi Lucha” – “My Struggle” – or “Mein Kampf“‘ in
the original German. I guess if you are talking about a totalitarian megalomaniac – whether it is
Fidel Castro or Donald Trump – you are never that far from the comparison to Hitler.

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