Jack Guerrero for Treasurer -Liberty, Free Markets & Respect for the Constitution

Former Cudahy Mayor Jack Guerrero is a Republican candidate for State Treasurer in the June 5 primary. His campaign theme is “Liberty, Free Markets & Respect for the Constitution”

Jack Guerrero has served as a member of the Cudahy City Council, and as Mayor. As a local official he exposed problems with the city’s financial controls, and worked with the state Controller to examine the city’s spending. Mr Guerrero also pushed for school reform and held public hearings on education quality.

Jack Guerrero promotes his vision of limited government with a recommended reading list “Great Works of Influence” which
includes “Human Action” by Ludwig von Mises; “The Road to Serfdom” by Friedrich Hayek; “Atlas Shrugged” by Ayn Rand; “Conscience of a Conservative” by Barry Goldwater and more books, all of them available at the Renaissance Book Shop www.renbook.com

His experience in local government and his commitment to liberty and free markets make Jack Guerrero the best choice for State Treasurer. Vote for Jack Guerrero for State Treasurer on Tuesday, June 5. More info @ https://www.jack4treasurer.com/

(By Gene Berkman, Editor, California Libertarian Report)

Vote Libertarian June 5! California Needs an Alternative Party

In recent years California has moved rapidly toward becoming a one-party state. Not so long ago, Republican Pete Wilson began his first term as Governor pushing a tax hike that was passed by the Democrats in the legislature.

Now the tax hikes are passed by Democrats and signed by Democrats. Since the 1990s the Republican Party has gone out of its way to alienate California voters. In the state with the largest population of foreign born residents, Republican politicians have sought votes by demonizing immigrants. More recently, California Republicans loyally supported President George W Bush when he initiated a pre-emptive military attack on Iraq, a country which had not attacked the United States. This too alienated California voters.

It is true that many Democrats – Sen. Feinstein among them – helped to pass the Authorization for the Use of Military Force against Iraq. But the war was a project of the Republican Party, and President Bush used the Republican Party to push for war – for a pre-emptive war of choice that made America less safe, not more secure. Now even Sen. John McCain and Bush sibling Jeb admit that the Iraq War was “a mistake” that cost American lives and treasure, and caused suffering for millions of Iraqis.

With a few exceptions, California Republicans in state or federal office have opposed the legalization of marijuana. This too puts them at odds with most California voters. It also shows that Republican rhetoric about freedom and limited government does not really apply in all too many cases.

The Los Angeles Times reported on May 11 almost as many California voters have registered as independent as have registered as Republican. As former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has observed, “California Republicans are dying at the box office.” That leaves the pro-government Democrats with little opposition.

The Democratic Party is committed to active government, paid for by taxing productive workers and profitable businesses. The Democratic Party threatens our property with regulations and the possible restoration of Community Redevelopment programs. The Democratic Party threatens our children’s future with their commitment to a public school monopoly, and their opposition to educational choice. Many Democrats now champion legalization of marijuana, but in the past these same politicians supported the drug war and its totalitarian crackdown on personal behavior.

The Libertarian Party offers a choice that many Californians already agree with: lower taxes, limited government, and personal freedom across the board. If you are a home-owner who relies on Proposition 13, or a young person glad that California has legalized marijuana, The Libertarian Party speaks for you. If you are a parent hoping for an alternative to failing public schools, the Democrats have nothing to offer you. The Libertarian Party supports Freedom of Choice, and opposes military interventionism as promoted by both Democrats and Republicans.

Several Libertarian candidates have qualified for the June 5 primary ballot.
Nickolas Wildstar is running for Governor. He calls for tax cuts, restoring freedom of choice, and ending government corruption. Mr Wildstar champions the free market as the best way to increase employment and end poverty. And Mr Wildstar defends the right of states to legalize marijuana.
More information on the Wildstar for Governor campaign @ http://wildstar2018.com/

Tim Ferreira has qualified as a Libertarian candidate for Lt. Governor, sharing the vision of the Wildstar campaign.

Derrick Michael Reid will be on the June ballot as a Libertarian candidate for U.S. Senator, challenging the big government views of Sen. Feinstein. Mr Reid has stated his goals as elimination of the national debt; end corruption in D.C.; stop the transfer of wealth from the poor and middle-class to the politically connected, and restore the Constitution’s limits on government power. More information @ http://www.derrickmreid.com/

Vote for these Libertarian candidates on Tuesday, June 5 and help lay the groundwork for a new opposition party in California – an alternative for freedom, capitalism and peace.

(By Gene Berkman, Editor, California Libertarian Report)